Friday, July 27, 2012

Playing Chicken Is Fun But Everything Still Points To Dempster

OK, the Dodgers said no because they have the leverage. Dempster now says he'll go anywhere because he's an AssClown. The Braves said See Ya. The Cubs say Atlanta is still an option. Dempster is never going to sign with the Cubs. The Cubs now hate Dempster and the Dodgers. Blah, Blah, Blah.

Testosterone aside I think the Dempster still ends up in Los Angeles.

Now a different result could happen five minutes from now but unless someone puts extreme buttheadedness before business this is the logical outcome.

Garza was a solid option but once he got hurt that trade went poof for  now. Unlikely to be any other Hanley situations out there where a team wants to get rid of the guy so bad they'll do a giant salary dump. There might be another hitter out there that falls into that category but not pitchers.

The Dodgers don't have the goods to compete for the Miami and Tampa Bay pitchers. They couldn't compete on Greinke. Not many options. Everyone should just find a way to save some face and make the Dempster deal. And by Tuesday I think - I hope - everyone comes to that conclusion. 

Please no D pitchers. Just play nice and get Dempster. And please don't do the negotiation for extension gambit. Don't sign any more pitchers for next year until after the season. Please.

Now regarding the position player the Dodgers seek. That could be a shocker. That player could come from anywhere. I've proposed Josh W. all along but nobody is talking about it. People talk about Shane and I think it makes sense but the Karma potential is bad. There are a number of nasty contracts out there that the Dodgers might decide on. But, you know, there are only so many bad contracts the Dodgers can support without damaging their opportunities in free agency. 

Also, several teams are now precariously perched on that seller/buyer tight rope and so there will be new potential trade candidates every 24 hours or so. Or at least that will be the talk. Boys will be boys so I expect the Dempster thing to go right down to the wire. Every one has to twist the knife a few more times before every one is happy.

I Like Jonah Keri. 

I think you can say Jonah Keri is a stat boy. So why does VODF pimp a stat boy? Because he's a professional, not an amateur. He's sees a wide playing field. And he's a sweet writer. Oh did I forget he knows something about baseball.

Here's his take on the Hanley trade. It's chock full of advanced metrics for you amateur stat boys so take a look. Have I mentioned how much I like the writing at Grantland? Probably.


I don't know how many of you have tried to do something very skillful and physical while in a stadium before thousands of people with the temperature over 100 degrees and the humidity gawd awful. Raise your hands. Right, none. 

The Dodger starters struggled because of the extreme weather conditions. Most of them started strong and died in the middle innings. For people to say they are athletes and should be able to handle that I LAUGH OUT LOUD.

For people who say well the Cardinal pitchers did OK, I LAUGH OUT LOUD. People, people. Try it and then talk to me. Do it for a few seasons and then tell me you don't have an advantage over visitors.

Kershaw, C CAP. No worries.

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