Terry Pruett, in the Dodger Thought chatroom, is speaking about the much overused and seriously-flawed stat called BABIP. But for me this view applies to almost all stats including the traditional ones. He eloquently describes my position on stat boys and the use of their stats (the second group he mentions) better that I have been able to. (I use the label stat boys for the people running around the Internet throwing out numbers without....well you've heard it before. Bill James, Rob Neyer, now those are advanced metric people I have great admiration for.)
I think the folks at Fangraphs and others that do this for a living understand the true use of this stat...the problem is the blogger or commenter or sportswriter that knows just enough to be dangerous and begins labeling players "lucky" or "unlucky" without looking at underlying causes.
Mr. TiensGohan also from the Dodger Thought chat room beautifully describes what launched the VODF rampage. He too is talking about the stat boys' favorite stat but again it can apply to many others. It's the disdain used in conjunction with other advanced metrics from people who just like to see themselves in Internet print that are the enemies of the sabre professionals.
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